Sunday, November 25, 2012

Where Do I Go From Here?

Life is always changing.  As things change goals change as well.  It is these changing goals that help determine the path of your life.  Every goal reached comes with a new opportunity to create new goals and continue to move forward.  My health goals have continuously changed over time as well.

In my early 20's I didn't have any health goals.  I was at my low point and didn't have many life goals let alone health goals.  When so much bad happens in such a short period of time, I was scared to look towards the future.  I kept looking to the past and what was.  It was difficult to come to terms with the thoughts that my original goals may not happen on the timeline I had originally planned.  It took a long time to begin to have enough hope to begin making health goals again.

As I reached my 30's I started to feel like I could make a difference in  my health again.  At this point though my only goal was to become healthy.  My first step was to overcome my eating disorder.  The next step was to gain control over my Ulcerative Colitis.  It started with taking responsibility with my medication, and the decision to have surgery.  I was on my way to reaching my goal.  I knew it wouldn't happen over night, but that I could get there.

Now my goals as a patient continue to evolve.  I want to maintain my new found health.  This is a difficult process that requires my constant attention.  I need to watch what I eat because neglecting my diet can lead to digestive unrest.  I also need to vigilant of my medication, and try not to miss dosages.  I have to keep an eye on my weight to be sure I am not losing weight.  Weight loss can be the first sign of a flare or a signal that maybe life is becoming too stressful and I am returning to my old ways of coping without food.  I also am thinking of the future and how I will be aging.  I want to be fit and active to keep a healthy heart and lungs.  As my parents reach seniority it has made me realize what small changes mean for the long run.  My health goals will continue to change as I grow older and different things pop up.  That's the best things about goals.  They can always be modified for what stone you land on next.

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