Saturday, November 24, 2012

If I Had An Unlimited Amount Of Energy

For me it isn't about having more time in the day.  In fact there are many times that I don't sleep at night giving me that extra time that is often needed.  What I need is more energy.  I am always tired and fatigued.  I can't sit down and watch TV without falling asleep.  If I stop moving, it is next to impossible to start again.  So if I had more energy this is what I would do.

1. Play more with my cats.  I love all my cats to death, but I feel I neglect them sometimes.  Besides cuddling together I don't spend much time with them.  I would love to play with them with all the cool interactive toys I have bought for them.  Instead I grow tired and they usually end up bickering between each other like human kids.

2. Catch up on my TIVO.  As I said I cannot watch TV without falling asleep.  This makes watching television shows that I DVRed next to impossible.  My husband and I are 3 weeks behind on all our favorite shows, so please stop posting or talking about them.

3. Clean my house. Cleaning when you feel like you're moving through mud is HARD.  I usually end up just doing the minimal required to make things look good.  My house needs a deep clean.  I am a neat freak and this drives me absolutely crazy.  I would love to start in one room and tear everything apart, clean it, and put it back together again.

4. Remember things.  I am so forgetful.  I blame this on being tired; so tired that I can't think straight.  If I had more energy I wouldn't forget all the little things.  Things like my keys when leaving the house, groceries at the grocery store, or what I came upstairs for.  I also wouldn't forget some big stuff too like the concert tickets on my way to a show making me buy a second set.  My forgetfulness is costing me money.

5. Spend more time with my friends.  Unfortunately, my friends get put on hold because I'm tired.  With the all errands, working, cleaning, and other responsibilities of being an adult, my friends usually get left behind.  I would like to get together with my friends more often.  It would be nice to go out in the evenings or spend a day shopping, but these things require energy that I don't always have.

This is an improvement from where I was just a year ago.  Then it was a struggle to get through the work day or spend any time with my husband.  I never worked out making me feel even more fatigued.  My energy levels are slowly increasing, but I am still not where I was before UC.

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