Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks

It's Thanksgiving and there is nothing more appropriate than to write about what I am most thankful for.

1. My Health: I am always thankful for when my health is good.  I never now when the next flare will come and I will feel horrible.  So I never take a good health day for granted.  It is usually something that people learn as they grow older in life, but thanks to this disease I have been fortunate to learn it early on.

2. My Family: Without my family's support I don't think I would have been able to get though the last 10 years.  They have always been my rock to lean on.  They have supported my through hospital visits, through times when I couldn't be there for them, and never grew tired of me.

3. On-Line Support Groups: J-pouch surgeries are not easy to get through.  It is both physically and mentally draining, and there are not many people you can turn to that have gone through it themselves.  I was lucky enough to have the surgery in a day and age where everything is on the Internet.  I have found wonderful people who have supported me in low times both on facebook and

4. My Friends: I have great friends that never grow tired of me talking about poop.  At least they don't say they do.  I am able to be frank with what I am going through without feeling embarrassed.  My friends have never treated me differently for my disease.

5. My Boss: I have a great boss.  He was supportive of what I was going through, and gives me time off for doctor's appointments.  I was given long leaves for hospitalizations with full pay.  Even though he doesn't understand exactly what the disease is, he still asks questions.  He doesn't let my illness define me and my ability to do my job.

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