Friday, November 30, 2012

A Recap On NHBPM

I took the challenge of National Health Blog Post Month's 30 Days, 30 Posts.  I have to say it was an enjoyable experience for me and I hope to those who have read my blogs this past month.  I blogged every day in November to complete all 30 days.  Though it was a challenge to complete some of the blogs on time with my hectic schedule and the Thanksgiving holiday, I completed it.  I also learned a little.  Here is what the last month has brought me.

1. My biggest day ever.  One day this month I had the most hits on my blog that I have ever had in the past 11 months.  This means that my word is getting out and hopefully I am helping some who are living or know someone living with IBD or a j-pouch.  In the very least I hope I have brought enjoyment to those who have read the posts.

2. My most read posts this month were in no particular order: Time To Clean Out The Fridge, The Real Anorexic, To My Well Being, Discussions With A Colo-Rectal Surgeon, and to my surprise Pouch Packages.  The post about What Is In My Purse also got a lot of views.  It turns about people are pretty nosy and like to see inside other people's world.  I have to admit I was quite shocked that Pouch Packages had so many views.  I am not sure why, but I would like to think that it is because so many people care and would like to send some pouch packages to their j-pouch loved ones.

3. It's interesting to see how people have found my blog.  Most of my sources are from facebook or my favorite support site,, but others have found it through searches.  Most of the searches are about IBD or anorexia.  I have found the two most intriguing to be "pooping my pants" and "green poop".  I would like to think I am helping the people searching for these, but I have a feeling some are just looks for some giggles.

4. I have also learned a lot about myself.  Opening up about yourself every day for a month is bound to reveal a little something you didn't see before.  I always knew music meant a lot for me, but I felt it coming up a lot more than planned in my posts.  I also realized how much put a positive spin on life.  I feel this has helped my recovery and who I am today in so many ways that even I cannot realize.  I also realized that I may have something enjoyable for others to read about.  I started this blog mostly for myself, so that I could get out of my head a little more.  Within this past month I have noticed that I have reached a steady, though small, following.  Maybe what I say resonates with others or hopefully it is helping someone going through the same things I have.

5. I have found joy in blogging this past month.  I decided to do this challenge because many times I feel it hard to open up or cannot come up with ideas to post about myself.  This challenge has forced me to open up a little more because it is hard to blog without getting a little personal and when I set a goal for myself I am determined to complete it. 

There are many more ideas that I did not get to during the 30 days as each day gave two ideas to choose from.  I hope to continue this zest for blogging by posting about a few other ideas on the list and a few of my own I have come up with in these past 30 days.  I hope everyone who has followed me through the 30 Days, 30 Posts has enjoyed my posts as much as me and continues to follow my posts in the future.  Thank you!   

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