Sunday, May 20, 2012

Two Small Answers

I finally have some answers from my recent MRI.  I'm not sure what to think about the results and I have to admit they caught me off guard.  It's been one week since I've actually learned the results, and I'm still trying to process it.  Mostly because I'm in a total brain fog lately and can't process anything.

Final verdict is I have two small abscesses in my abdomen near my pouch.  My GI is not sure what is causing them, but believes it is a fistula that could not be seen on the MRI (they can be really tiny).  After googling the symptomsof abdominal abscesses I found that I met 5 out of 6 of the symptoms.  Abscesses never even crossed my mind.

I was prescribed Cipro & Flagyl, two antibiotics in the hopes that antibiotics alone will treat the abscesses.  Since starting the antibiotics a week ago I have noticed some improvements.  I am no longer bleeding.  I don't have any more spasms.  The fevers are gone.  And the pain has gotten much better.  I'm still not where I would like to be after a week on antibiotics.  I still have diarrhea.  I'm really weak and fatigued.  And I'm nauseous.

I am now playing the waiting game once again as my GI is consulting with my surgeon to see what the next step is.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a consult with the surgeon doesn't lead to another surgery.  My hopeful self just says the my GI needs to consult someone who knows more about the j-pouch and not the possibility of surgery.  We will wait and see!


  1. Wow, how big are they? Could they do something like drain them without opening you up? I had a big abcess under my incision and during the takedown they cut it out and I had to pack it as it healed close, yuk. I hope you don't need this type of procedure!

    1. They are about 1 cm each, so pretty small. That's why the GI believes there is a fistula letting them drain instead of growing. Hoping the antibiotics clear up the abscesses. It's just whats causing them that worries me.

  2. Hope you feel better soon.
